uiactivityviewcontroller - iOS Style Buttons in share sheet -

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is there anyway style buttons mail sheet created uiactivityviewcontroller

share screen called via code

-(void)sharelink:(id)sender{  post *post = [self.linkviewitems objectatindex:self.swipedpath.row];  nsmutablestring *txt = [[nsmutablestring alloc] init]; [txt appendstring:[post description]]; [txt appendstring:@"  "]; [txt appendstring:[post href]];  nsstring* sometext = txt; nsarray* datatoshare = @[sometext];  // ...or whatever pieces of data want share.  uiactivityviewcontroller* activityviewcontroller = [[uiactivityviewcontroller alloc] initwithactivityitems:datatoshare                                   applicationactivities:nil]; [self presentviewcontroller:activityviewcontroller animated:yes completion:^{}];  } 

try this

        mfmailcomposeviewcontroller *picker = [[mfmailcomposeviewcontroller alloc] init];         picker.mailcomposedelegate = self;           [[picker navigationbar] settintcolor:[uicolor clearcolor]];//you can set colour         uiimage *image1 = [uiimage imagenamed: @"bg_header.png"];         uiimageview * iv = [[uiimageview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(0,0,320,42)];         iv.image = image1;         iv.contentmode = uiviewcontentmodecenter;         [[[picker viewcontrollers] lastobject] navigationitem].titleview = iv;         [[picker navigationbar] sendsubviewtoback:iv];         [iv release];         [self presentviewcontroller:picker animated:no completion:nil];         [picker release]; 

see inbuilt frame work.

override uiactivityviewcontroller default behaviour


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