How would I use button in the following situation in grails? -
i returning map value contain multiple items. map follows:
def mylist = [] //some code obtain list list << ["id": id,"name": name,"code": scode, "runtype": x ] return [items: list]
in gsp page using following code print them out in web page.
<% def counter = 0 (i in items) { counter = counter + 1 println("<td>" + + "</td>" + "\n") if (counter == 1) { println("</tr><tr>") counter = 0 } } %>
and output looks follows:
[id:i-d0f5,, code:16, runtype:on demand] [id:i-7890,, code:16, runtype:on demand] [id:i-ee56,, code:16, runtype:on demand] [id:i-c41e,, code:80, runtype:on demand]
what need add button each of values printed (so if 6 servers printed 6 buttons show , if 10 servers printed 10 buttons show up) using button pass id start , stop server.
grails has powerful built-in gsp tags come in quite handy here. example:
<g:each in="${items}" var="i"> <tr> <td>${}</td> <td>${}</td> <td>${i.code}</td> <td>${i.runtype}</td> <td><a class="button" href="${createlink(controller: '<controllername>', action: 'start', id:}">start</a></td> </tr> </g:each>
there are, of course, many other ways approach this, hope start. more, see these sections in grails ref doc: each, createlink
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