mysql - invalid column count on line 1 -
i'm trying load csv has 21 columns , 240 rows through phpmyadmin. common error message is: "invalid column count on line 1" (using csv import)
though when using load data, get: "error: #1083 – field separator argument not expected; check manual"
columns separated , columns enclosed " columns escaped \ lines terminated auto (though i've tried \r, \n, \r\n , combination of 3)
i have tried escaping quotes , commas seems not anything.
this first row of data:
denis,null,wirtz,"221maryland hall 3400 north charles street\, baltimore\, md 21236",,410-516-7006,410-516-5528,,theophilus halley smoot professor,null,null,"k.l. yap\, s.i. fraley\, m.m. thiaville\, n. jinawath\, k. nakayama\, j.-l. wang\, t.-l. wang\, d. wirtz\, , i.-m. shih\, Ònac1 actin-binding protein essential effective cytokinesis in cancer cellsÓ\, cancer research 72: 4085_4096 (2012).d.h. kim\, s.b. khatau\, y. feng\, s. walcott\, s.x. sun\, g.d. longmore\, , d. wirtz\, Òactin cap associated focal adhesions , distinct role in cellular mechanosensingÓ\, scientific reports (nature) 2:555-568 (2012).s.i. fraley\, y. feng\, g.d. longmore\, , d. wirtz\, ""dimensional , temporal controls of cell migration zyxin , binding partners in three-dimensional matrix""\, nature communications 3:719-731 (2012)p.-h. wu\, c.m. hale\, j.s.h. lee\, y. tseng\, , d. wirtz\, Òhigh-throughput ballistic injection nanorheology (htbin) measure cell mechanicsÓ\, nature protocols 7: 155_170 (2012)c.m. hale\, w.-c. chen\, s.b. khatau\, b.r. daniels\, j.s.h. lee\, , d. wirtz\, Òsmrt analysis of mtoc , nuclear positioning reveals role of eb1 , lic1 in single-cell polarizationÓ\, journal of cell science124: 4267-4285 (2011).d. wirtz\, k. konstantopoulos\, , p.c. searson\, Òphysics of cancer: role of physical interactions , mechanical forces in cancer metastasisÓ\, nature reviews cancer 11: 512-522 (2011)",,null,,department of chemical , biomolecular engineering,null,whiting school of engineering,"postdoctoral\, physics\, biophysics. espci\, paris. 1993 - 1994ph.d.\, cemical engineering. stanford university. 1993m.s.\, chemical engineering. stanford university. 1989b.s.\, physics engineering. free university of brussels. 1983-1988",johns_hopkins_university
any appreciated.
there backslashes in front of commas inside double-quoted strings. if utility treats escaped commas, function column separators, , wrong number of columns:
"221maryland hall 3400 north charles street\, baltimore\, md 21236"
again, doubled double-quotes "" way escape single double-quote within string. if parsing reads string terminator, that's way can throw off column count.
i have seen excel mess exported data in many fascinating ways, 1 new me.
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