sap - Looking for Non-Printable characters inside internal table ABAP -

i have internal table written file , pulled bw datasource. non printable character makes file output , breaks import process bw. below sample of code. since itab not type c or string unable use find/replace regex on it. has else had solve type of problem before?

    form eliminate_non_print_char tables p_shiptab structure shiptab.         loop @ p_shiptab wa_shiptab.      find regex '[^[:print:]]+(?!$)'       in wa_shiptab     ignoring case.     "results result.     if  sy-subrc = 0.       replace regex '[^[:print:]]+(?!$)'         in wa_shiptab ''      ignoring case.      endif.   endloop.  data: begin of shiptab occurs 2000.         include structure ship1.         include structure ship2. data: landtx            vbrk-landtx,       bl_konwa          vbak-waerk.                             include structure ship3.         include structure ship4. data: frght_amnt_usd    konv-kwert,                           revenue_amnt_usd  vbap-netwr,                           unit_price_usd    vbap-netpr,                           pgi_posting_date  mkpf-budat,                           ord_line_item_qty lips-lfimg,                           asm_no            kna1-kunnr,       asm_username      adrc-sort1,       va_augru_t        tvaut-bezei,                ship_to_name      adrc-name1,       bill_to_name      adrc-name1,       forward_to_name   adrc-name1,       fmv_amnt           konv-kbetr,           va_butxt           t001-butxt,           sold_to_search_term adrc-sort1,          bill_to_search_term adrc-sort1,         va_prctr           vbap-prctr,           va_bezei           tvrot-bezei.            include structure zorder_attr.          data: extended_bits_count(20),                     va_bstkd_hdr char32.             data: gsm_bp_katr6      kna1-katr6,           gsm_bp_vtext6     tvk6t-vtext,          asm_ze_katr7      kna1-katr7,           asm_ze_vtext7     tvk7t-vtext,          gsm_ze_katr6      kna1-katr6,           gsm_ze_vtext6     tvk7t-vtext. data:  end of shiptab 


the error is: "wa_shiptab" must character-type data object (data type c, n, d,t, or string). have non character types in itab shiptab. know can lookup on each field individually, itab has 235 fields , not seem efficient.

the program has copy of main itab char based fields, looped through , placed following code:

replace occurrences of regex '[^[:print:]]+$'   in transtab ''   ignoring case. 

links answer:

scn link link


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