pom.xml - findbugs maven plugin site vs check -

i'm trying wrap head around couple of things.

if have in masterpom:

<reporting>  <plugins>   <plugin>    <groupid>org.codehaus.mojo</groupid>    <artifactid>findbugs-maven-plugin</artifactid>    <version>2.5.2</version>    <configuration>       <failonerror>false</failonerror>       <threshold>high</threshold>       <effort>default</effort>       <xmloutput>true</xmloutput>       <skip>${skipfindbugs}</skip>       <xmloutputdirectory>target/reports/findbugs</xmloutputdirectory>       <excludefilterfile>           src/main/resources/findbugs-exclude-filters.xml       </excludefilterfile>    </configuration>   </plugin>  </plugins> </reporting> 

my findbugs-exclude-filters.xml looks this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <findbugsfilter>      <match>         <bug category="i18n" />      </match> </findbugsfilter> 


why clean verify site report 2 warnings, clean verify findbugs:check return 14 bugs? don't understand difference is.

why site report warn i18n:dm_default_encoding

the findbugs-maven-plugin plugin needs configured in both <reporting><plugins/></reporting> , <build><plugins/></build> section. have experimented sorts of ways , way have been able work duplicate findbugs-maven-plugin configuration.

so try adding following in pom.xml:

<build>  <plugins>   <plugin>    <groupid>org.codehaus.mojo</groupid>    <artifactid>findbugs-maven-plugin</artifactid>    <version>2.5.2</version>    <configuration>       <failonerror>false</failonerror>       <threshold>high</threshold>       <effort>default</effort>       <xmloutput>true</xmloutput>       <skip>${skipfindbugs}</skip>       <xmloutputdirectory>target/reports/findbugs</xmloutputdirectory>       <excludefilterfile>           src/main/resources/findbugs-exclude-filters.xml       </excludefilterfile>    </configuration>   </plugin>  </plugins> </build> 

note it's cut , paste of posted inside of <reporting/> block. have not tested above. i'm trying give general idea here.

the reporting section of pom reference states that:

and subtler difference plugin configuration under reporting element works build plugin configuration, although opposite not true (a build plugin configuration not affect reporting plugin).

i have been able make work maven 3.0.5. have not tried on 3.1.0 yet.


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