.net - Using WebClient to login and download files -
i've found different examples of doing this, haven't been able combination of them work.
basically, have intranet system can generate documents web link, , know ones want download. able generate list of links want download, run problems authenticating system within program. keep getting 401 error this:
public shared sub downloadfiles(_tool tool) dim links list(of string) = getjiralinks(_tool) dim downloader new webclient ' initialize client dim reqparm new specialized.namevaluecollection reqparm.add("os_username", "user") reqparm.add("os_password", "pass") reqparm.add("os_destination", "/secure/") downloader.credentials = new networkcredential("user", "pass") dim uploadlocation string = my.settings.jiralocation & "login.jsp" 'downloader.headers.add("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") dim responsebytes = downloader.uploadvalues(uploadlocation, "post", reqparm) dim responsebody = (new text.utf8encoding).getstring(responsebytes) dim workingdir string = createworkingdir() each link string in links dim tempuri new uri(link) dim localpath string = workingdir & "\" & system.io.path.getfilename(tempuri.localpath) downloader.downloadfile(tempuri, localpath) next end sub
i figured post working example of solution. many other posts link cookie aware web client (how can webclient use cookies?) fail show in action. here's mine:
public shared sub downloadfiles(_tool tool) dim links list(of string) = getjiralinks(_tool) dim downloader new cookieawarewebclient ' start requesting page. dim loginpage string = my.settings.jiralocation & "login.jsp" ' initialize client dim reqparm new specialized.namevaluecollection reqparm.add("os_username", "user") reqparm.add("os_password", "pass") reqparm.add("os_destination", "/secure/") dim responsebytes = downloader.uploadvalues(loginpage, "post", reqparm) dim responsebody = (new text.utf8encoding).getstring(responsebytes) dim workingdir string = createworkingdir() each link string in links dim tempuri new uri(link) dim localpath string = workingdir & "\" & system.io.path.getfilename(tempuri.localpath) downloader.downloadfile(tempuri, localpath) next end sub
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