solr - Connections are hanging in CLOSE_WAIT even after successful shutdown of Camel context/ routes -
i have 1 question regarding camel route shut down.
below code snippet route -
from("seda:" + this.getdumpidentifier() + "_insertinsolr?concurrentconsumers=50&polltimeout=1") // use streaming increase index throughput .setheader(solrconstants.operation, constant(solrconstants.operation_insert_streaming)) .setexchangepattern(exchangepattern.inonly) // define solr endpoint , options .to("solr://" + this.getsolrendpoint() + "?defaultmaxconnectionsperhost=50&maxtotalconnections=150&maxretries=3&allowcompression=true") // .log(logginglevel.debug, "successfully indexed document id=${header.document_id}.") // end route .end();
i m using org.apache.camel.main.main start camel context (this route). on successful processing m doing - camelmain.stop(); camelmain.shutdown();
but after successful shutdown of route m still seeing tcp connections in close_wait state (from indexer application solr server deployed on tomcat).
some observations - 1. in log m not able see related solr://" endpoint.
2. m seeing successful graceful shutdown of route in log. example :
"message route: route6 shutdown complete, consuming from: endpoint[seda://eventincr_insertinsolr?concurrentconsumers=100&polltimeout=1]..."
question -
idea why underlying implementation of solr:// not releasing connections after route has terminated (camel context shut down)?
its bug in camel-solr. resources not stopped when stopping camel-solr component. have logged ticket
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