google street view on a mobile -
does know why same iframe embedded google streetview works fine on desktop, on phone or tablet shows regular map?
this profoundly annoying! - our location notoriously difficult find: on leafy road in birmingham , our use of signs tightly restricted our landlords.
so decided embed google streetview onto site google map: when looked @ on tablet displays bloody map!
the page happening on our site the conference park page
many in advance can shed light onto this!
unless i'm missing point, it's easy enough provide streetview image - , works fine on mobiles (ios , android). try this:
<img src="[width without px]x[height without px]&location=[latitude],[longitude]&heading=[number of degrees - 0 = n]&fov=[number 45 - 120 degrees of field of vision]&sensor=false"/>
you can also, if it's required, provide tilt argument specify elevation angle. it's not draggable, @ least can show picture.
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