iOS: What are the possible options to Reset an iOS apps Data without requiring a reinstall? -
this ios 101 question , feel ass not knowing answer :-) question - how reset ios app state when first installed? app stores content in nsuserdefaults , plists. appears excessive have ask user delete , reinstall app.
what possible options available aside asking user reinstall app (which makes me kinda un-innovative :-) )
this particular app used nsuserdefaults , plists store data. while come creative solutions i'd appreciate clues other situations (i.e. data in core data , .plists)
also if feature needs implemented in app code, appreciate suggestions on elegant solution it.
delete files sandbox:
nsstring *p = [[[nsbundle mainbundle] bundlepath] stringbydeletinglastpathcomponent]; (nsstring *fname in @[ @"tmp", @"library", @"documents", @"caches", @"preferences" ]) { nsstring *path = [p stringbyappendingpathcomponent:fname]; [[nsfilemanager defaultmanager] removeitematpath:path error:null]; }
alternative way resetting user defaults only:
nsdictionary *drepr = [[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] dictionaryrepresentation]; (nsstring *key in drepr) { [[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] removeobjectforkey:key]; } [[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] synchronize]; [nsuserdefaults resetstandarduserdefaults];
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