jsf 2 - How to get the objects in the targetList of a rich:pickList? -
i filled rightlist of picklist objects web service, when select elements, want these elements in mymanagedbean, because i'll affect them object.
jsf :
<h:form> <rich:panel> <h:panelgrid columns="2" styleclass="criteressaisie" rowclasses="critereligne" columnclasses="titrecolonne,"> <h:outputlabel for="libellecoplement" value=" " size="20" /> <rich:picklist d="libellecoplement" sourcecaption="compléments" targetcaption="compléments sélectionnés" value="#{listecmpltdispomodel.listecmpltselect}" size="15" addtext=">" addalltext=">>" removetext="<" removealltext="<<" listwidth="270px" listheight="110px" orderable="true"> <f:converter converterid="cmpltstitresconcerter" /> <f:selectitems value="#{listecmpltdispomodel.listecmpltdispo}" var="liste" itemlabel="#{liste.libellecomplement}" itemvalue="#{liste.cdcomplement}"/> </rich:picklist> </h:panelgrid> <h:panelgroup> <div align="right"> <h:panelgrid columns="8"> <h:commandbutton value="valider" action="#{saisiecmpltstitrectrl.valider}" /> </h:panelgrid> </div> </h:panelgroup> </rich:panel> </h:form>
the bean :
@managedbean(name = "listecmpltdispomodel") @sessionscoped public class listecmpltdispomodel implements serializable { private static final long serialversionuid = 1l; private long cdcomplement; private string libellecomplement; private int nbcompl; private list<complementsdisposortiedto> listecmpltdispo ; private list<complementsdisposortiedto> listecmpltselect ; public listecmpltdispomodel() { } public long getcodecomplement() { return cdcomplement; } public void setcodecomplement(long cdcomplement) { this.cdcomplement = cdcomplement; } public string getlibellecomplement1() { return libellecomplement; } public void setlibellecomplement1(string libellecoplement) { this.libellecomplement = libellecoplement; } public long getcdcomplement() { return cdcomplement; } public void setcdcomplement(long cdcomplement) { this.cdcomplement = cdcomplement; } public string getlibellecomplement() { return libellecomplement; } public void setlibellecomplement(string libellecomplement) { this.libellecomplement = libellecomplement; } public list<complementsdisposortiedto> getlistecmpltdispo() { return listecmpltdispo; } public void setlistecmpltdispo(list<complementsdisposortiedto> listecmpltdispo) { this.listecmpltdispo = listecmpltdispo; } public int getnbcompl() { return nbcompl; } public void setnbcompl(int nbcompl) { this.nbcompl = nbcompl; } public list<complementsdisposortiedto> getlistecmpltselect() { return listecmpltselect; } public void setlistecmpltselect(list<complementsdisposortiedto> listecmpltselect) { this.listecmpltselect = listecmpltselect; } }
converter :
@facesconverter(value="cmpltstitresconcerter") public class cmpltstitresconcerter implements converter { @suppresswarnings("null") public object getasobject(facescontext context, uicomponent component, string value){ complementsdisposortiedto cmpltselect = null; cmpltselect.setcdcomplement(long.parselong(value)); return cmpltselect; } public string getasstring(facescontext arg0, uicomponent arg1, object obj) { return string.valueof(((complementsdisposortiedto) obj).getcdcomplement()); } }
any apprectiated!
roughtly need 3 things :
- custom converter object (object string, string object)
- getter/setter list of objects choices
- getter/setter list of objects selected
everything described here : richfaces showcase - picklist
edit :
adding should fix problem :
<rich:picklist ...> <f:converter converterid="cmpltstitresconcerter" /> </rich:picklist>
also converter property in <f:selectitems />
not valid : f:selectitems
edit :
you should modify converter remove converting exceptions :
@facesconverter(value="cmpltstitresconcerter") public class cmpltstitresconcerter implements converter { public object getasobject(facescontext context, uicomponent component, string value) { complementsdisposortiedto cmpltselect = null; if(value != null) { cmpltselect = new complementsdisposortiedto(); cmpltselect.setcdcomplement(long.parselong(value)); } return cmpltselect; } public string getasstring(facescontext arg0, uicomponent arg1, object obj) { string result = null; if(obj != null) { result = string.valueof(((complementsdisposortiedto) obj).getcdcomplement()); } return result; } }
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