javascript - JS-variable used with mailto is not updated -

encountered problem - want include js-variable in body of mail, users can forward friends, using following:

<head> <script src="javascript.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>  <body>     <script type="text/javascript">     document.write('<a href="mailto:?subject=subject&body=bodytext' +total+ '">mail me</a>');</script> </body> 

the var total defined in .js file, , it's value can manipulated executing af function attached form.

even after function carried out , page displays changes, opened mail display default value of var total instead of manipulated.

basically question is: how modified var total display inside mailto-link, instead of default var total.

disclaimer: i'm not smart (when comes coding @ least).

bonus-info: i've made possible share var total facebook using fb.init etc., displays manipulated var.


js (cut bit short):

var total = 'empty';  function getcalculation() { total = (parseint(f1) + parseint(f2)).tofixed(0); document.contactform.formtotal.value = total; } 

the document.write run once when page generated. not dynamic code gets triggered every time changes. need different approach this.

instead of document.write, make normal html link (a-element) javascript href change document url mailto link.

for example:

<a href="javascript:location.href='' + total">mail me</a> 

this means when link clicked, instead of going url, execute piece of javascript changes document's location mailto-link, , embeds value of total -variable body.

even better way create external function trigger when link clicked:

<script type="text/javascript">     function sendmail() {         var email = '';         var subject = 'my subject';         var body = 'this total: ' + total;         location.href = 'mailto:' + email             + '?subject=' + encodeuricomponent(subject)             + '&body=' + encodeuricomponent(body);     } </script> 

and in link add following href:

<a href="javascript:sendmail()">mail me</a> 

now total variable gets embedded in email body every time link clicked, instead of when page loaded.

the encodeuricomponent makes sure subject , body encoded properly, special characters , spaces, etc gets translated correctly in mail client.

i hope helps!


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