ios - current goals hides facebook ok button during Facebook authorization in a web view -

we using latest facebook ios sdk (3.5) , have following problem webview login. current goals tab hides facebook ok , cancel button user not able authorize app.

steps reproduce:

1) login using facebook sdk uiwebview 2) "you have authorized ..." text appears 3) both ok , cancel button hidden , view not scrollable.

is there workaround issue?

------------- update -------------

the issue fixed facebook.

i'm not sure if ios users, can tell how fixed app in android in case else runs across bug (and perhaps can translate fix ios).

in facebooksdk modified com/facebook/widget/, once web dialog loaded "current goals" block , hide (if exists).

in com/facebook/widget/

private class dialogwebviewclient extends webviewclient {      // ... other methods ...      @override     public void onpagefinished(webview view, string url) {         super.onpagefinished(view, url);         if (!isdetached) {             spinner.dismiss();         }         /*          * once web view loaded, set contentframelayout background transparent          * , make visible 'x' image.          */         contentframelayout.setbackgroundcolor(color.transparent);         webview.setvisibility(view.visible);         crossimageview.setvisibility(view.visible);          // don't know how highlight in code block         // add long comment make obvious         // add javascript call hide element, if exists         webview.loadurl("javascript:try{ document.getelementbyid('nux-missions-bar').style.display='none'; } catch (e) {}");         // end changes                } 


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