java - How can I get a bean from the servlet context instead of the root context? -

i have spring-mvc application has autowired beans use of <context:component-scan base-package="" /> within dispatcherservlet context configuration.

i have situation wish access service bean non bean class, requestcontextawaretag implementation.

i can access beans registered in root context follows:

applicationcontext ctx = webapplicationcontextutils.getwebapplicationcontext(       pagecontext.getsession().getservletcontext()); myservice svc = ctx.getbean(myservice.class); 

if bean registered in dispatcher context nosuchbeandefinitionexception.

if it's possible prefer @service beans registered in root context without @controller beans being picked up, , have @controller beans picked in dispatcher context. problem <context:component-scan/> picks both.

if not possible need way access dispatchers applicationcontext retrieve service beans.

any guidance appreciated.

i have managed solve splitting 2 component-scan configurations use of exclude-filter , include-filter.


<context:component-scan  base-package="">   <context:exclude-filter     expression="org.springframework.stereotype.controller"     type="annotation"/> </context:component-scan> 


<mvc:annotation-driven/> <context:component-scan  base-package="">   <context:include-filter     expression="org.springframework.stereotype.controller"     type="annotation"/> </context:component-scan> 


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