user interface - How to send data from child figure to its parent in matlab? -

i have "main" figure in matlab project opens "settings" figure. user can change fields in settings figure , press "apply" button in settings figure. want send settings data settings figure main figure when apply button pressed.

i set apply button's callback update settings figure's handles.output fields , in main figure assigned output variable while calling settings figure.

function apply_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles)   handles.output = [str2num(get(handles.precinp, 'string')) get(handles.plotcheck, 'value')   get(handles.stepcheck, 'value') get(handles.speedslid, 'value')];   guidata(hobject, handles); 

and how open settings figure main figure:

function settingsbutton_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles)   handles.settingsdata = cell2mat(settings());   guidata(hobject, handles); 

so assignment occurs when settings figure opened, want when apply button pressed

try using uiwait after create settings dialog, , uiresume after apply button clicked. need pick figure handle wait on. logical choice figure handle corresponding settings dialog (see docs). allow settingsbutton_callback function block until apply button clicked.

you might consider using handle class settings dialog, in case store settings properties rather returning cell array via handles.output.


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