php - Get MySql data and store it into Javascript array -

want retrieve records data mysql , store javascript array heatmap.js map data in format :

var testdata = {max: 46, data: [{lat: 33.5363, lon:-117.044, value: 1},{lat: 33.5608, lon:-117.24, value: 1},..]}; 

now stuck @ here, , don't know how connecting jquery var testdata = new array();, how should solve this?

(updated correct code)


<?php require_once('./db_con.php'); $dbcon=new db;   $query="select (select geo_lat fun created_at <= date_sub(now(), interval 1   minute) geo_lat," .         "(select geo_long fun created_at <= date_sub(now(), interval 1 minute) geo_long";  $result = mysqli_query($dbcon,$query); $data = array();       while($row= mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){       $data[] = array("lat"=>$row["geo_lat"], "lon"=>$row["geo_long"], "value"=>1);       $post_data = json_encode(array('max' => 46, 'data' => $data));     }     echo $post_data;  ?> 

my_data.js based here:

jquery.extend({ getvalues: function(url) {     var result = null;     $.ajax({         url: url,         type: 'get',         datatype: 'json',         async: false,         success: function(data) {             result = json.stringify(data);         }     });    return result; } });  var testdata = $.getvalues("get_query.php"); 

thanks orangepill , chrislondon.

so question how connect jquery var data won't myriad of problems in php code. in success function can set var data so:

var data = new array();  $(function() {     $.ajax({         type:     "post",         url:      "get_query.php",         data:     $(this).serialize(),         datatype: "json" }).done(function(response) {     data = response; }); 


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