SQL SERVER 2008R2 Nested Transactions with RAISERROR -
we going through process of switching db2 sql server 2008r2 , i'm bit unfamiliar tsql. getting better understanding of occurring nice. we've created procedure called rethrowerror as:
create procedure rethrowerror begin -- return if there no error information retrieve. if error_number() null return; print 'yo error'; declare @errormessage nvarchar(4000), @errornumber int, @errorseverity int, @errorstate int, @errorline int, @errorprocedure nvarchar(200); -- assign variables error-handling functions -- capture information raiserror. select @errornumber = error_number(), @errorseverity = error_severity(), @errorstate = error_state(), @errorline = error_line(), @errorprocedure = isnull(error_procedure(), '-'); -- build message string contain original -- error information. select @errormessage = n'error %d, level %d, state %d, procedure %s, line %d, ' + 'message: '+ error_message(); print 'yo doin something'; -- raise error: msg_str parameter of raiserror contain -- original error information. raiserror ( @errormessage, @errorseverity, 1, @errornumber, -- parameter: original error number. @errorseverity, -- parameter: original error severity. @errorstate, -- parameter: original error state. @errorprocedure, -- parameter: original error procedure name. @errorline -- parameter: original error line number. ); print 'yo end'; return; end go
the reason created procedure purely expand on errors in future without having touch procedures. i've added print lines debugging purposes.
my main question have procedure , on failure executes rethrowerror , i'll see messages
yo error yo doin yo end
as expected.
create procedure dbo.a begin set nocount on; declare & set variables; begin try begin transaction maintaintarget stuff end try begin catch exec rethrowerror; if (xact_state()) = -1 begin print n'the transaction in uncommittable state. ' + 'rolling transaction.' rollback transaction; end; if (xact_state()) = 1 begin print n'the transaction committable. ' + 'rolling transaction.' rollback transaction; end; return -101; end catch; return; end go
however, we've created procedure executes many procedures , when nested procedure (ie procedure being called procedure b) fails messages see are
yo error yo doin
i'm don't quite understand why last message no longer shows up.
the procedure b similar procedure little difference in catch.
create procedure dbo.b begin set nocount on; declare & set variables; begin try stuff end try begin catch commit; return -101; end catch; return; end
any on getting better understanding happening appreciated.
i allowed myself edit code mimic bahaviour, keep simple (your job, ;).
your proca works fine, because rethrowerror procedure being called inside catch block of proca , executes. in second case, still happens inside try block of procb! catch part of procb fires after raiserror in rethrowerror called.
this simple example demonstrates behaviour of try-catch:
begin try select 1/0 print 'doesnt show - div error' end try begin catch print 'oops' select 1/0 print 'this 1 shows because in catch!' end catch
and here's simplified code:
-- "proc b" start begin try -- "proc a" start (works fine alone) begin try begin tran select 1/0 --error end try begin catch print 'yo error'; raiserror ('re rethrowerror', 16, 1) --comment out , see happens print 'yo end'; if (xact_state())=-1 or (xact_state())=1 begin print n'rolling transaction.' rollback transaction; end end catch -- "proc a" ends end try begin catch select error_message(), error_severity(), error_state() -- print 'outer catch'; commit; end catch;
hope helps.
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