java - <form:select> does not comes selected -

my page has combos don't know why 1 of combos doesn't comes selected on edit mode.

if put show value , id of fiel values appears ok, because of there's no reason combo doesn't comes selected.

here combo problem:

<form:select required="true" path="orcamento.area"> <form:option value="" label="--- selecione ---" />   <form:options items="${listaarea}" itemlabel="descricao" itemvalue="id" /> </form:select> 

if if put: appears correctly

my other combos 1 below correctly displays selected data:

<form:select required="true" path="orcamento.representante" id="selectrepresentante"     name="representante"> <form:option value="" label="--- selecione ---" /> <form:options items="${listafuncionario}" itemlabel="nome" itemvalue="id" /> 


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