symfony - composer.json fails to resolve installable set of package -

i can't install stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle composer.i 'm using symfony2.1.9 version.a lot of problems shown.the first 1 is:the requested package stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle 1.1.* not found. composer.json file:

{     "name": "symfony/framework-standard-edition",     "description": "the \"symfony standard edition\" distribution",     "autoload": {         "psr-0": { "": "src/" }     },     "require": {         "php": ">=5.3.3",         "symfony/symfony": "2.1.*",         "doctrine/orm": ">=2.2.3,<2.5-dev",         "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "1.1.*",         "twig/extensions": "1.0.*@dev",         "symfony/assetic-bundle": "2.1.*",         "symfony/swiftmailer-bundle": "2.1.*",         "symfony/monolog-bundle": "2.1.*",         "sensio/distribution-bundle": "2.1.*",         "sensio/framework-extra-bundle": "2.1.*",         "sensio/generator-bundle": "2.1.*",         "jms/security-extra-bundle": "1.2.*",         "jms/di-extra-bundle": "1.1.*",         "kriswallsmith/assetic": "1.1.*@dev",             "pagerfanta/pagerfanta": "dev-master",         "white-october/pagerfanta-bundle": "dev-master",         "friendsofsymfony/user-bundle": "dev-master",         "saad-tazi/g-chart-bundle": "dev-master",        "stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle": "1.1.*",     },     "scripts": {         "post-install-cmd": [             "sensio\\bundle\\distributionbundle\\composer\\scripthandler::buildbootstrap",             "sensio\\bundle\\distributionbundle\\composer\\scripthandler::clearcache",             "sensio\\bundle\\distributionbundle\\composer\\scripthandler::installassets",             "sensio\\bundle\\distributionbundle\\composer\\scripthandler::installrequirementsfile"         ],         "post-update-cmd": [             "sensio\\bundle\\distributionbundle\\composer\\scripthandler::buildbootstrap",             "sensio\\bundle\\distributionbundle\\composer\\scripthandler::clearcache",             "sensio\\bundle\\distributionbundle\\composer\\scripthandler::installassets",             "sensio\\bundle\\distributionbundle\\composer\\scripthandler::installrequirementsfile"         ]     },     "extra": {         "symfony-app-dir": "app",         "symfony-web-dir": "web",         "branch-alias": {             "dev-master": "2.1-dev"         }     } } 

when set package requirement to: "stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle": "1.1.*@dev" response was: your requirement not resolved installable set of package

what problem please?? should install doctrineextensions first????

error message:

  problem 1     - conclusion: don't install symfony/symfony v2.1.10     - conclusion: remove symfony/symfony v2.1.9     - conclusion: don't install symfony/symfony v2.1.9     - conclusion: don't install symfony/symfony v2.1.8     - conclusion: don't install symfony/symfony v2.1.7     - conclusion: don't install symfony/symfony v2.1.6     - conclusion: don't install symfony/symfony v2.1.5     - conclusion: don't install symfony/symfony v2.1.4     - conclusion: don't install symfony/symfony v2.1.3     - conclusion: don't install symfony/symfony v2.1.2     - conclusion: don't install symfony/symfony v2.1.1     - white-october/pagerfanta-bundle dev-master requires symfony/framework-bund le >=2.2,<3.0 -> satisfiable symfony/symfony[v2.2.0, v2.2.1], symfony/framewo rk-bundle[v2.2.0, v2.2.1].     - white-october/pagerfanta-bundle dev-master requires symfony/framework-bund le >=2.2,<3.0 -> satisfiable symfony/symfony[v2.2.0, v2.2.1], symfony/framewo rk-bundle[v2.2.0, v2.2.1].     - can install 1 of: symfony/symfony[v2.2.0, v2.1.0].     - can install 1 of: symfony/symfony[v2.2.1, v2.1.0].     - don't install symfony/framework-bundle v2.2.0|don't install symfony/symfon y v2.1.0     - don't install symfony/framework-bundle v2.2.1|don't install symfony/symfon y v2.1.0     - installation request symfony/symfony 2.1.* -> satisfiable symfony/s ymfony[v2.1.0, v2.1.1, v2.1.10, v2.1.2, v2.1.3, v2.1.4, v2.1.5, v2.1.6, v2.1.7, v2.1.8, v2.1.9].     - installation request white-october/pagerfanta-bundle dev-master -> sat isfiable white-october/pagerfanta-bundle[dev-master]. 

the critical part in here following:

[...] white-october/pagerfanta-bundle dev-master requires symfony/framework-bundle >=2.2,<3.0 -> satisfiable symfony/symfony[v2.2.0, v2.2.1], symfony/framework-bundle[v2.2.0, v2.2.1]. [...] 

which can lead confusion! let me explain:

though says dependency satisfiable updating symfony/symfony 2.2.0 or 2.2.1 ... update not needed !! ( if updating might idea not necessary resolve issue , lead broken code because of bc [backward compatibility] breaks )


many bundles have legacy branch ... example 2.1.x branch support symfony/symfony 2.1.

look these branches on packagist prior blindly updating whole project new version of root package!


generally if composer fails fetch dependency related minimum stability 1 of required packages. minimum stability of packages defaults stable.


smarttech used wrong branch (dev-master) white-october/pagerfanta-bundle use symfony 2.1. correct branch 2.1 have been:

"white-october/pagerfanta-bundle": "2.1.*@dev" 

... @dev stability flag tells composer use dev version of doctrine-extensions-bundle single package. please read more composer's stability flags.

take quick @ stability hierarchy:

dev < alpha < beta < rc < beta  


another way solve issue have been setting composer's minimum stability.

though not recommended applies constraints , result unstable versions of all packages.

{      [...]     "require" :          [...]      "minimum-stability" : "dev",      [...]  } 


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