c# - How to merge multiple datatables (every datatable return one row) in one row -
i have multiple data tables : want merge them (my p.k : emp_num)
var tblemp_data = new datatable();//one row var tblemp_time = new datatable();//one row var tbl_emp_mission = new datatable();//one row tblemp_data = getempinfo(empnum); tblemp_time = getemptime(empnum, start_period, end_period); tbl_emp_mission = getempmission(empnum, start_period, end_period); tblemp_data.merge(tblemp_time, false, missingschemaaction.add); tblemp_data.acceptchanges(); tblemp_data.merge(tbl_emp_mission, false, missingschemaaction.add); tblemp_data.acceptchanges();
now data on multiple rows rather 1 row ! want data on 1 row ? how ?
note: want columns allow null except primary key avoid exception :
failed enable constraints. 1 or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints
the third table cause problem:
public static datatable getempmission(int empnum, datetime start_period, datetime end_period) { using (ifxconnection con = new ifxconnection(configurationmanager.connectionstrings["tl"].tostring())) { datatable dt = new datatable(); stringbuilder cmdtxt = new stringbuilder(); cmdtxt.append(" select count(emp_num) "); cmdtxt.append(" hs_mission emp_num = ? , from_date between ? , ? "); using (var myifxcmd = new ifxcommand(cmdtxt.tostring(), con)) { myifxcmd.commandtype = commandtype.text; if (con.state == connectionstate.closed) { con.open(); } myifxcmd.parameters.add("emp_num", ifxtype.smallint); myifxcmd.parameters.add("start_period", ifxtype.date); myifxcmd.parameters.add("end_period", ifxtype.date); myifxcmd.parameters[0].value = ((object)empnum) ?? dbnull.value; myifxcmd.parameters[1].value = ((object)start_period.date) ?? dbnull.value; myifxcmd.parameters[2].value = ((object)end_period.date) ?? dbnull.value; using (ifxdatareader dr = myifxcmd.executereader()) { dt.load(dr); dt.columns.add("emp_num", typeof(int32)); dt.rows[0]["emp_num"] = empnum; dt.acceptchanges(); } } con.close(); con.dispose(); return dt; } }
return data :
column1 emp_num 0 6762
and throw exception :
failed enable constraints. 1 or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints
so empnum
key column tables share? sounds if use my mergeall
public static datatable mergeall(this ilist<datatable> tables, string primarykeycolumn) { if (!tables.any()) throw new argumentexception("tables must not empty", "tables"); if(primarykeycolumn != null) foreach(datatable t in tables) if(!t.columns.contains(primarykeycolumn)) throw new argumentexception("all tables must have specified primarykey column " + primarykeycolumn, "primarykeycolumn"); if(tables.count == 1) return tables[0]; datatable table = new datatable("tblunion"); table.beginloaddata(); // turns off notifications, index maintenance, , constraints while loading data foreach (datatable t in tables) { foreach (datacolumn col in t.columns) col.readonly = false; // might required in case table.merge(t); // same table.merge(t, false, missingschemaaction.add); } table.endloaddata(); if (primarykeycolumn != null) { // since might have no real primary keys defined, rows might have repeating fields // we're going "join" these rows ... var pkgroups = table.asenumerable() .groupby(r => r[primarykeycolumn]); var dupgroups = pkgroups.where(g => g.count() > 1); foreach (var grpdup in dupgroups) { // use first row , modify datarow firstrow = grpdup.first(); foreach (datacolumn c in table.columns) { if (firstrow.isnull(c)) { datarow firstnotnullrow = grpdup.skip(1).firstordefault(r => !r.isnull(c)); if (firstnotnullrow != null) firstrow[c] = firstnotnullrow[c]; } } // remove first row var rowstoremove = grpdup.skip(1); foreach(datarow rowtoremove in rowstoremove) table.rows.remove(rowtoremove); } } return table; }
then use in way:
var tables = new[] { tblemp_data, tblemp_time, tbl_emp_mission }; tblemp_data = tables.mergeall("empnum");
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