hyperlink in visual basic excel -

what want in code when click cell b3 in sheet1 direct me a5 in sheet2 vice versa, when click a5 in sheet2 bring me b3 in sheet1 http://i.stack.imgur.com/qungd.jpg

sub macro3() ' ' macro3 macro '  '     range("b3").select     activesheet.hyperlinks.add anchor:=selection, address:="", subaddress:= _     "sheet2!a5", texttodisplay:="gg"     sheets("sheet2").select     activesheet.hyperlinks.add anchor:=selection, address:="", subaddress:= _     "sheet1!b3", texttodisplay:="gg"     sheets("sheet1").select end sub 

now problem if name of sheet userdefined? there's messagebox says should input name of sheet. sub address changes not "sheet2" anymore. instance put in msgbox "123", name of sheet become "sheet2 123".

you should take advantage of indexing of worksheets collection.

sub indexingsheets()     sheets(1).range("b3").formula = _      "=hyperlink(""#" & thisworkbook.sheets(2).name & "!a5"", ""texttodisplay"")"     sheets(2).range("a5").formula = _      "=hyperlink(""#" & thisworkbook.sheets(1).name & "!b3"", ""texttodisplay"")" end sub 

this code assumes sheet1 , sheet2 first 2 sheets in workbook.

if wanted ask name use instead:
code checks if sheet exists ( can refer ). if executes macro , if doesn't calls procedure recursively ask name.

dim sheetexist boolean  sub prefnamedsheets()      dim shname$, i&     shname = inputbox("whats second sheet name?")     = 1 worksheets.count         if strcomp(cstr(sheets(i).name), shname, vbtextcompare) = 0             sheetexist = true         end if     next     if sheetexist         activesheet.range("b3").formula = _          "=hyperlink(""#" & shname & "!a5"", ""texttodisplay"")"         sheets(shname).range("a5").formula = _          "=hyperlink(""#" & thisworkbook.sheets(1).name & "!b3"", ""texttodisplay"")"     else         call prefnamedsheets     end if end sub 

you may find this link useful!


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