To show a hidden div with If-else condition for mobile quiz application -

what want do:
trying create mobile quiz application display list of questions in form 1 one.

what able do:
have read through site , able scroll through questions without problems. also, javascript scoring engine working fine.

<script type="text/javascript">   $(document).ready(function () {     var currentquestion=0;     var totalquestions=$('questions').size();        $questions = $('.questions');     $questions.hide();     $('.scorepage').hide();     $($questions.get(currentquestion)).fadein(); //show first question     // when users click on "next question button...     $('#next').click(function(){       $($questions.get(currentquestion)).fadeout(function(){ //hide current question         currentquestion = currentquestion + 1; //go next question         if(currentquestion == totalquestions){ //if no more question                   $('.scorepage').show();           $('.button1').hide();                                  }else{                 $($questions.get(currentquestion)).show(); //else display current question         }        });      });    }); </script> 

what current program structure:

the application begins form of n questions. each question framed using <div data-role="fieldcontain" class="questions"> questions radio button inputs </div>.

following question, there button, in clicking on call getscore() javascript. section framed <div class="scorepage"> button here , textbox display score</div>.

finally, navigation button @ end of form. framed <div class ="button1"></div>

what problem?
before answering question, scorepage hidden. achieved $('.scorepage').hide();. however, not show scorepage when there no more question using $('.scorepage').show(); , hide next button (since there no more question) using $('.button1').hide();

can see mistake in logic is?

to count number of questions, try using jquery function lenght counting elements:

var totalquestions = $('.questions').length 

his should work


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