How do I change the width of the default nsis buttons (next, cancel, etc..) -
how change width of default buttons (next, cancel, etc..) want increase width of button 20 pixels, sounds easy but..
let's have this:
# declare name of installer file outfile "hello world.exe" # open section section # create popup box, ok button , text messagebox mb_ok "now creating hello_world.txt @ desktop!" /* open output file called "hello_world.txt", on desktop in write mode. file not need exist before script compiled , run */ fileopen $0 "$desktop\hello_world.txt" w # write string "hello world!" output file filewrite $0 "hello world!" # close file fileclose $0 # show success message. messagebox mb_ok "hello_world.txt has been created @ desktop!" # end section sectionend
how go doing this?
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