ios - Border stroke issue with Custom UITextField -

i'm customizing uitextfield taller , have different border colors , shadows default:

- (bool)textfieldshouldendediting:(uitextfield *)textfield {     textfield.layer.shadowopacity = 0.f;     textfield.layer.cornerradius = 6.f;     textfield.layer.bordercolor = [[uicolor colorwithred:196/255.0 green:111/255.0 blue:3/255.0 alpha:1] cgcolor];     textfield.layer.borderwidth = 1.f;      return yes; }  - (bool)textfieldshouldbeginediting:(uitextfield *)textfield {     textfield.layer.shadowcolor = [[uicolor blackcolor] cgcolor];     textfield.layer.shadowopacity = .2f;     textfield.layer.shadowoffset = cgsizemake(0,3);     textfield.layer.shadowradius = 3.f;     textfield.clipstobounds = no;      textfield.layer.cornerradius = 6.0f;     textfield.layer.bordercolor = [[uicolor colorwithred:196/255.0 green:111/255.0 blue:3/255.0 alpha:1] cgcolor];     textfield.layer.borderwidth = 3.f;      return yes; } 

however, seems screwing rendering of border in 'unfocused' state in bottom left hand:

stroke issue in uitextfield


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