php - USING if statement do not work as it should -
i have if
statment used in code logic of code not work should want when user enter city name without entering district name system must display error message
and when user enter city name , district name without entering lat , long system must display error message .
what hapen in code if user enter city , lat long system display error message inform user enter lat , long
if($_post['city']) { $city = $_post['city']; $lat = $_post['lat']; $long = $_post['long']; if($_post['dist'] =="") { $errormsg = "you can not add city without having relation district"; } if($lat || $long ==""){ $errormsg = "you can not add village without coordination";} else { $sql = mysql_query("insert village (id, village_name, district_id, lattitude, longitude)values('', '$city', , '$lat', '$long')")or die(mysql_error()); echo $city; } }
if($lat || $long =="")
should if($lat=="" || $long =="")
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