sublimetext2 - Option to copy lines with carets NOT separated with empty lines -

sublime text 2 (windows 7) has such feature: several lines carets (no selections made,only carets) copied clipboard separated empty lines. can disable these empty line separators, copy w/o them?


  • open few lines text file
  • place 3-4 carets using ctrl+click on few lines
  • press ctrl+c copy clibboard
  • paste new file-- u see empty line separators copied text

think need plugin it. didn't test this, should work. it's pretty straight forward.

import sublime import sublime_plugin  class emptylinecopycommand(sublime_plugin.textcommand):     def run(self, edit):         view = self.view         lines = []         cursor in view.sel():             lines.append(view.substr(view.line(cursor)))         sublime.set_clipboard("\n".join(lines)) 

put following in user key bindings.

{"keys": ["ctrl+c"], "command": "empty_line_copy", "context": [     { "key": "selection_empty", "operator": "equal", "operand": true, "match_all": true } ]}, 


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