powershell - How to pipe foreach output to export-csv -

the code below outputs following.

type system.string length 100

how can output content of strings?

$filein | % { $array = $_.split(" ")     if ($array[0] -eq "user") {         $name = $array[1]+"."+$array[2]         $remaining = ""         ($i = 3; $i -ne $array.length; $i++) {$remaining+=$array[$i]+" "}         get-aduser $name -properties description, company | % { $name + " - " +              $remaining + " - " + $_.description + " - " +              $_.company | export-csv $output}     } }  

export-csv exporting objects properties csv. you're trying export single string, includes value , length property.

also, - not valid delimiter in csv(at least not in .net). type information can removed -notypeinformation-switch. try this:

$filein | % { $array = $_.split(" ")     if ($array[0] -eq "user") {         $name = $array[1]+"."+$array[2]         $remaining = ""         ($i = 3; $i -ne $array.length; $i++) {$remaining+=$array[$i]+" "}          get-aduser $name -properties description, company | % {              new-object psobject -property @{                 "name" = $name                 "remaining" = $remaining                 "description" = $_.description                 "company" = $_.company             }         }     } } | select-object name, remaining, description, company |  export-csv $output -delimiter ';' -notypeinformation 

i tried understand trying here. give summary of changes:

  • i'm creating object containing information want export, every row in $filein

  • i'm setting order of properties select-object after object every line in $filein has been created

  • i'm exporting array of objects csv-file delimiter ; (just show how specify it), , without type-information @ start. if use export-csv inside foreach loop, overwrite file every time , you'd have 1 row + header-row in end. in ps3.0 have done inside loop, using -append switch.

edit if need string format, need use else export-csv, ex. out-file -append switch. ex:

$filein | % { $array = $_.split(" ")     if ($array[0] -eq "user") {         $name = $array[1]+"."+$array[2]         $remaining = ""         ($i = 3; $i -ne $array.length; $i++) {$remaining+=$array[$i]+" "}         get-aduser $name -properties description, company | % {              "$name - $remaining - $($_.description) - $($_.company)" | out-file -append $output         }     } }  


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