ubuntu - Change php error reporting to hide warnings for specific site only -
imagine couple of sites-enabled available /etc/apache2/sites-available . (only debian-based distros work this.) is possible mute warning messages php scripts a specific site , without touching actual htdocs ? normally there couple of solutions achieve someting related: add error_reporting() directive e.g. error_reporting(e_error); scripts executed. set php_flags in .htaccess files so: php_flag display_errors off use ini_set inside scripts: ini_set('display_errors', 'off'); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 'off'); error_reporting(0); prepend @ functions throw warnings or errors. change php.ini say error_reporting = e_all ^ e_warning display_errors = 1 however, these mean touching htdocs or having change applied globally. imagine htdocs mounted read-only. how suppress warnings (or notices) sites only? i assuming debian/ubuntu has a2ensite specific configurations reason , hoping can alter those. there log_level direct...