Ruby on rails - paperclip not saving to database -

i'm trying make create product page in rails. includes adding multiple images. have 1 model products 1 photos , users. i'm using paperclip gem photo upload. have 2 problems.

  1. my file input not allowing me select multiple images
  2. when view product no pictures show because pictures are not being saved database

p.s. use haml , dont have photo controller.

products controller

class productscontroller < applicationcontroller     before_filter :current_user, only: [:create, :destory]     before_filter :correct_user, only: :destory    def new  @product =     @photo =     5.times { }   end    def create    @photo =[:photo])    @product =[:product])     if         render "show", :notice => "sale created!"     else         render "new", :notice => "somehting went wrong!"     end end  def show @product = product.find(params[:id])  end 

create product page

= form_for @product, :html => { :multipart => true } |f|   - if @product.errors.any?     .error_messages       %h2 form invalid       %ul         - message in @product.errors.full_messages           %li             = message   %p     = f.label :name     = f.text_field :name   %p     = fields_for :photos |f_i|       =f_i.file_field :image     %p.button     = f.submit 

product model

class product < activerecord::base   attr_accessible :description, :name, :price, :condition, :ship_method, :ship_price, :quantity, :photo   has_many :photos, dependent: :destroy   accepts_nested_attributes_for :photos   belongs_to :user 

photo model

class photo < activerecord::base   attr_accessible :product_id    belongs_to :product   has_attached_file :image,     :styles => {       :thumb=> "100x100#",       :small  => "300x300>",       :large => "600x600>"         } end 

user model

class user < activerecord::base   attr_accessible :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :name    attr_accessor :password   has_many :products, dependent: :destroy   has_many :photos,:through=>:products 

show product page

  %b seller   =   %br    - |photo|     = image_tag photo.image.url 

are using resque background job,if yes u need start using rake resque:work queue='*'.in rails resque used handle background jobs involves mailer , picture upload.or example below product.html.erb having partial photos upload product paperclip configures amazon s3.


<%= render :partial => 'photos' %> 

_photos.html.erb atleast 1 image mandatory

       <% if[0].nil? %>                 <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="add-photos" >                 <img src="/assets/default/product-add-photos.png" alt="add product photos"/>                                </a>            <% end %>  <img src="<%= (@product.product_photos[0].nil? ? "" :[0].image.url(:small)) %>" id="photos_1" class="product-photos-src <[0].nil? ? 'dontdisplay' : ''%> "/> 


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