.net - sitecore comments list to article -

i need add function of comments blog.
have article. , need after article comments section.

maybe i'm stupid don't know how solve that...

can tell me ideas or send url examples of this?

i use sitecore build articles in sections , xslt build view of articles.

sample xsl:template article:

<xsl:template match="*" mode="main">   <xsl:variable name = "siteroot" select="ancestor-or-self::item[sc:isitemoftype('articlepage',.)]"/>   <div>     <h2>       <sc:html select = "$siteroot" field="article_title"/>     </h2>     <h6>       <sc:html select="$siteroot" field="article_date" />     </h6>     <sc:html select = "$siteroot" field="article_content" />     <br />     <div class="commentregion">       comments must here     </div>   </div> </xsl:template> 


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