php - Codeigniter get all rows from db -
i'm working on task manager have 2 types of user: administrators(all privileges), , users(limited privileges).
here's task function in controller
function task($id) { $data = array( 'query' => $this->main_model->get_task($id), 'task_id' => $id, ); $data2['comments'] = $this->main_model->get_comments($id); $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->load->helper('security'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('comment_text', 'comment_text', 'trim|required|strip_tags|xss_clean'); if ($this->form_validation->run() === false) { if($this->main_model->get_task($id)) { foreach ($this->main_model->get_task($id) $tas) { $data = array( 'title' => $tas->task_name, 'desc' => $tas->task_description, 'date_created' => $tas->date, 'date_started' => $tas->task_start_date, 'deadline' => $tas->task_deadline, 'creator' => $tas->task_creator, 'owner' => $tas->task_owner, 'attach'=>$tas->attachment_name, 'status'=>$tas->task_status, 'priority'=>$tas->task_priority, 'task_id'=>$tas->id_task, 'base_url' => base_url() ); } $data1 = array( 'emps' => $this->main_model->get_employees(), 'creator' => $this->main_model->get_details($id), 'owner' => $this->main_model->get_owner($id) ); if ($this->session->userdata('employee_type') == 3) { $qu = $this->main_model->permission(); $id = $this->session->userdata('id'); $id_emp = $this->uri->segment(3); //foreach ($qu $q) { if (in_array($id, $qu[0]) && in_array($id_emp, $qu[0])) { $this->load->view('task', array_merge($data, $data1, $data2)); } else { echo "no permission access task"; } } } } else { $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'doc|docx|pdf|txt|text|rtf|jpg|gif|png'; $config['max_size'] = '1024'; $this->load->library('upload', $config); if (!$this->upload->do_upload()) { if ("you did not select file upload." != $this->upload->display_errors('','')) { $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors()); $this->load->view('task', $error); } else { $this->main_model->set_comments($id); redirect(current_url()); } } else { $data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data()); $data1 = $this->upload->data(); $data2 = $data1['file_name']; $this->main_model->set_comments($id); $this->main_model->set_attachment($id, $data2); redirect(current_url()); } }
and permission function in model:
function permission() { $query = $this->db->get('employees_tasks'); $ret = $query->result_array(); return $ret; }
what i'm trying is, data database employee_tasks
check if id_task
, id_employee
in same row in database, can't working, getting first row of database, not others, , that's key
problem, rows db. tried query database result
, result_array
, row
, row_array
, reason listing first row in db. appreciated.
to results separate table
using codeigniter
active record
can this
function permission() { $this->db->select("*"); $this->db->from("employees_tasks"); $this->db->where('id', 'your id'); $query = $this->db->get(); return $query->result(); // or $query = $this->db->query("select * employees_tasks condition"); return $query->result(); }
hope makes sense
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