sql server - Search for Accented Characters -

i've been looking around , i've found lot of information regarding creating searches accent insensitive. isn't i'm after.

some accented data causing problem in ui , i'm looking impact analysis.

is there elegant way search field any accented character, other unioning many different selects different characters in each?

the collate clause changes foo expression allow group separately

declare @t table (foo varchar(100));  insert @t values ('bar'), ('bár'), ('xxx'), ('yyy'), ('foo'), ('foó'), ('foö');  select     foo collate latin1_general_ci_ai,      min(foo collate latin1_general_ci_as), max(foo collate latin1_general_ci_as)     @t group     foo collate latin1_general_ci_ai having     min(foo collate latin1_general_ci_as) <> max(foo collate latin1_general_ci_as); 


select     foo collate latin1_general_ci_ai,     count(*)     @t group     foo collate latin1_general_ci_ai having     count(*) > 1; 

the first 1 gives actual values rather count. not if have several accented words

for sql server 2012, can use this

select     *       (      select         first_value(foo) on (partition foo collate latin1_general_ci_ai order foo collate latin1_general_ci_as) safefoo,         foo             @t     ) x     safefoo <> foo 

the 1st , 3rd rely on sorting of non-accent characters before accented characters


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