java - How to throttle tasks such that only one runs at a time and rest are ignored -
i have object listens external events. upon receiving event, object needs execute task (a runnable). however, there restriction:
once task starts executing, should not start other tasks (i can ignore them) until original task finished , amount of time passed after (throttling).
here's suggested implementation using semaphore:
public class sample { private final semaphore semaphore = new semaphore(1); private final scheduledexecutorservice executor; public sample(scheduledexecutorservice executor) { this.executor = executor; } public void tryrun() { if (semaphore.tryacquire()) { try { executor.submit( new runnable() { @override public void run() { try { doit(); } { try { executor.schedule( new runnable() { @override public void run() { semaphore.release(); } }, 1, timeunit.minutes ); } catch (throwable t) { semaphore.release(); } } } } ); } catch (throwable t) { semaphore.release(); } } } private void doit() { // exact task executing logic here } }
the code seems verbose me. there better way of doing this?
p.s. restriction scheduledexecutorservice interface have external executor , cannot start own threads/executors within object
just use threadpoolexecutor
single thread. you'll have decide whether it's okay queue lot of other tasks. if not, pass own blockingqueue
capacity 1, believe let @ 1 task queue up. i'm thinking how down zero.
one way create single threaded executor unbounded queue.
note need configure tpe discard rejected tasks via discardpolicy
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