vb.net - How to remove duplicates rows out of table where certian field is equal to specified -

hi have matching application matches 2 fields using jaro algorythms.

how can remove following : please see image link below understand question :)



assuming "keep row highest match str1" this

declare @t table (str1 varchar(50), str2 varchar(50), match decimal (5,2)); insert @t values          ('abc elec', 'abc elec', 100),  ('abc elec', 'abb elec', 95),          ('abc elec', 'abc elek', 92.5), ('abc elec', 'abf elec', 91.5),          ('abc elec', 'add elek', 95.5), ('bbc invest', 'bbc domest elec', 85.94);  delete x     (     select        str1, str2,        row_number() on (partition t.str1 order t.match desc) rn             @t t     ) x rn > 1;  select * @t t; 


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