java - Restarting millis in processing error -
having massive problem piece of code. i'm working java in processing.
i've created game users must guide character away objects.
all objects, health system , score system based on mills().
once game ends need reset millis(), resetting objects, score , health system.
i have searched implemented advice friends , asked questions on here advice differs slightly. i'm assuming it's can't see.
i appreciate this, ever use site last resort not when i'm feeling lazy.
//these used set times games increases difficulty //int timedelay = 30000; int delayone = 2000; int delaytwo = 5000; int delaythree = 80000; int delayfour = 90000; int display = 2000; //for collisions float[] xpos = new float[6]; float[] ypos = new float[6]; //timer counts how many millis() each game lasts int timestamp = 5000; int timer; int timer2 = millis() - timer; //always @ 0 //outputting score @ end of game int score; int start; //trying lives working boolean lost = false; //variable store & output gale force when giving score int gale = 0; //changing length rectangle float rx = 350.0; float x1 = 20; float y1 = 20; float w1 = 100; float h1 = 30; //declare objects jelly class jelly myobject; jelly myobject1; jelly myobject2; jelly myobject3; //gentleman class gentleman mygentleman; //lolly class lolly mycow; lolly mycow1; //pimages pimage loader; pimage bg; pimage uh; pimage bg1; pimage bolt; pimage over; void setup() { bg=loadimage("backy1.png"); bg1 = loadimage("backy.png"); on = loadimage("over.png"); pfont l = loadfont("lobster1.3-48.vlw"); textfont( l, 16); size(400, 600); smooth(); //begin = millis(); imagemode(center); //initialise myobject = new jelly(320, 500); myobject1 = new jelly(150, 200); // myobject2 = new jelly(550, 500); //myobject3 = new jelly(300, 100); mygentleman = new gentleman(200, 300); //; //; //; mycow = new lolly(400, 250); mycow1 = new lolly(150, 350); timer = millis(); } void draw() { start = 0; //because have image mode set center collisions //we have divide height & width of screen 2 hte image fit image(bg, 200, 300); if (millis() >= start + delayone) { image(bg1, 200, 300); } //call functionality; myobject.put_in_array(0);; // 1 going top bottom myobject1.put_in_array(1); //; //myobject2.put_in_array(2); //; //myobject3.put_in_array(3);; mycow.put_in_array(4);; mycow1.put_in_array(5);; //health bar fill(161, 221, 16); nostroke(); rect(10, 24, rx, 10); if(rx <= 100) { fill(221, 59, 16); rect(10, 24, rx, 10); } else if(rx <= 200) { fill(221, 137, 16); rect(10, 24, rx, 10); } if(rx == 5.0) { lost = true; noloop(); // lives = lives - 1; image(over, width/2, height/3); fill(255); text("your score is: " + timer, width/2.7, height/2); text("gale force is; " + gale, width/2.7, height/1.8); score = timer; } //for loop detecting collisions between mygentleman & objects (int i=0; < 6; i++) { if (xpos[i] > 150 && xpos[i] < 250 && ypos[i] > (mygentleman.y-58) && ypos[i] < (mygentleman.y+58)) { // text("collision", 200, 300); bolt = loadimage("bolt.png"); image(bolt, xpos[i], ypos[i]); rx = rx - 1; } //outputting score on screen @ @ times fill(255); text("score: " + timer, 320, 20); } //timer score counter timer = millis(); //text(timer, 20, 20); //moving man screen if button pressed, if not levitates downward if (keypressed) { mygentleman.y -= mygentleman.movey; mygentleman.movey += 0.4; } else { mygentleman.y += mygentleman.movey; mygentleman.movey += 0.2; } fill(255); text("health", 20, 20); if(mousepressed) { if(timer2 > timestamp) { println("tit"); mygentleman.y = height/2; loop(); } } } //class first objects move screen class jelly { //global variables float x = 0; float y = 0; float speedx = 1.8; float speedy = 1.8; float speedx2 = 2.1; float speedy2 = 2.1; float speedx3 = 2.2; float speedy3 = 2.2; pimage jelly = loadimage("jelly.png"); pimage hat = loadimage("hat.png"); pimage gale = loadimage("g1.png"); pimage force = loadimage("force.png"); pimage news = loadimage("news.png"); //constructor jelly(float _x, float _y) { x = _x; y = _y; } //functions void run() { display(); move(); bounce(); image(force, 330, 550); if (millis() >= start + delayone) { display(); movefast(); bouncefast(); image(gale, 280, 560); gale = 1; if (start + delayone + display >= millis()) { image(news, 200, 300); } } if (millis() >= start +delaytwo) { display(); movefaster(); bouncefaster(); image(gale, 310, 560); gale = 2; if (start + delaytwo + display >= millis()) { image(news, 200, 300); } } } void bounce() { if ( x > width) { speedx = speedx * -1; //multiply -1 make bounce } if ( x < 0) { speedx = speedx * -1; } if ( y > height) { speedy = speedy * -1; } if ( y < 0) { speedy = speedy * -1; } } void bouncefast() { if ( x > width) { speedx2 = speedx2 * -1; //multiply -1 make bounce } if ( x < 0) { speedx2 = speedx2 * -1; } if ( y > height) { speedy2 = speedy2 * -1; } if ( y < 0) { speedy2 = speedy2 * -1; } } void bouncefaster() { if ( x > width) { speedx3 = speedx3 * -1; //multiply -1 make bounce } if ( x < 0) { speedx3 = speedx3 * -1; } if ( y > height) { speedy3 = speedy3 * -1; } if ( y < 0) { speedy3 = speedy3 * -1; } } void move() { x = x + speedx; y = y + speedy; } void movefast() { x = x + speedx2; y = y + speedy2; } void movefaster() { x = x + speedx3; y = y + speedy3; } void put_in_array(int a) { xpos[a] = x; ypos[a] = y; } void display() { image(hat, x, y); } } //class gentleman floats class gentleman { //global variables float y = 400; float x = 400; float movey; //pimage umbrella; pimage umbrella = loadimage("dafuq.png"); pimage on = loadimage("over.png"); //constrcutor --- pieces of info provde build class -- intiialize varibale gentleman(float _x, float _y) { y = _y; x = _x; movey = 2; } //functions void run() { display(); keyreleased(); bounce(); // collision(); } void display() { image(umbrella, x, y); } void keyreleased() { mygentleman.movey = 4; } void bounce() { if ( y < 0) { y = 0; } if (y > height) { //score = millis(); lost = true; noloop(); // lives = lives - 1; image(over, width/2, height/3); text("your score is: " + timer, width/2.7, height/2); text("gale force is; " + gale, width/2.7, height/1.8); } } } class lolly { //global variables float x = 0; float y = 0; float speedx = 2; float speedy = 2; float speedx1 = 2.1; float speedy1 = 2.1; float speedx2 = 2.3; float speedy2 = 2.3; pimage cow = loadimage("cow.png"); //constructor lolly(float _x, float _y) { x = _x; y = _y; } //functions void run() { // display(); //move(); //bounce(); if (millis() >= start + delaythree) { display(); movefast(); bouncefast(); } if (millis() >= start +delayfour) { display(); movefaster(); bouncefaster(); } } void put_in_array(int a) { xpos[a] = x; ypos[a] = y; } void bounce() { if ( x > width) { speedx = speedx * -1; //multiply -1 make bounce } if ( x < 0) { speedx = speedx * -1; } if ( y > height) { speedy = speedy * -1; } if ( y < 0) { speedy = speedy * -1; } } void bouncefast() { if ( x > width) { speedx1 = speedx1 * -1; //multiply -1 make bounce } if ( x < 0) { speedx1 = speedx1 * -1; } if ( y > height) { speedy1 = speedy1 * -1; } if ( y < 0) { speedy1 = speedy1 * -1; } } void bouncefaster() { if ( x > width) { speedx2 = speedx2 * -1; //multiply -1 make bounce } if ( x < 0) { speedx2 = speedx2 * -1; } if ( y > height) { speedy2 = speedy2 * -1; } if ( y < 0) { speedy2 = speedy2 * -1; } } void move() { x = x + speedx; y = y + speedy; } void movefast() { x = x + speedx1; y = y + speedy1; } void movefaster() { x = x + speedx2; y = y + speedy2; } void display() { image(cow, x, y); } }//end of cow class void mousepressed() { }
your question not @ clear, sounds should able wrap system.currenttimemillis()
in object maintains starting point , returns offset. like
public class millis { long start; public millis() { this.reset(); } public void reset() { this.start = system.currenttimemillis(); } public long getmillis() { return system.currenttimemillis() - start; } }
you create instance of class @ startup
millis timer = new millis();
then call reset()
set 0 @ beginning of each game. everywhere in code have millis()
have timer.getmillis()
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