How can I pass an expression to a calc() mixin that uses Sass variables -
i have mixin set cross browser calc,
@mixin calc($property, $expression...) { #{$property}: -moz-calc(#{$expression}); #{$property}: -o-calc(#{$expression}); #{$property}: -webkit-calc(#{$expression}); #{$property}: calc(#{$expression}); }
i have variable.
$line: 12px;
i want able use variable within it.
@include calc(width, "30% - ( $line * 2) ) ");
but i'm not sure if that's best way go it.
you'll need use string interpolation on value you're passing mixin:
.foo { @include calc(width, #{"30% - #{$line * 2}"}); }
.foo { width: -moz-calc(30% - 24px); width: -o-calc(30% - 24px); width: -webkit-calc(30% - 24px); width: calc(30% - 24px); }
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