mysql - Using +0 in order clause -
i have column "available" either returns "yes" or instance "30 min". sort table have found out works intended "yes" comes first, , "30 min" comes after.
order available + 0 asc
though works not know why have put +0 column. can elaborate?
edit: example on query
note clauses not here, , if(x null) return if there no result aka null value.
select distinct r.rname, if(b.stime null, 'yes', 'yes') available, r.mperson rooms r left outer join bookings b using (rname) union select b.rname, concat(minute(timediff(b.etime, '$sdate')), ' min') available, r.mperson bookings b inner join rooms r using(rname) order available + 0 asc, rname asc
you're implicitely converting available
value number, can see trying
select "30 minutes" + 0; ==> returns 30 select "2 hours" + 0; ==> returns 2 select "yes" + 0; ==> returns 0
this makes "yes"
(or string not starting number) first returned value instead of last one.
this does change order feels hacky , less efficient using pure numeric field (which indexed).
more should define schema such have precise non polymorphic fields.
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