objective c - RestKit - Automatic entity mapping -
i'm trying use restkit perform automatic mapping of given entity class name, without having define fields manually.
example, imagine managed object called product
fields: id
, name
, type
. entity on default store.
i need list of products url http://machin.net/products
rkentitymapping *map = [rkentitymapping mappingforentityforname:@"product" inmanagedobjectstore:[rkmanagedobjectstore defaultstore]];
question 1 defaultstore
not satisfying required store, don't know how specify it.
[map addattributemappingsfromdictionary:@{ @"id": @"id", @"name": @"name", @"type": @"type", }];
question 2 can see, i'm using fields , same on source & destination, didn't find way tell restkit use fields of given class.
for 1. need configure restkit / core data stack
nsmanagedobjectmodel *managedobjectmodel = [nsmanagedobjectmodel mergedmodelfrombundles:nil]; rkmanagedobjectstore *managedobjectstore = [[rkmanagedobjectstore alloc] initwithmanagedobjectmodel:managedobjectmodel]; self.managedobjectstore = managedobjectstore; [rkmanagedobjectstore setdefaultstore:managedobjectstore]; // complete core data stack setup [managedobjectstore createpersistentstorecoordinator];
for 2. can use
[map addattributemappingsfromarray:@[ @"id", @"name", @"type", ];
technically use introspection on entity you'd write lot more code.
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