linux - Minishell problems with cd (C) -
i made simple minishell in c , works, except cd
command. when try run nothing happens except creates child process never ends. example, after running cd
in minishell need type exit
twice exit minishell, not standard once. code: int debug=0;
void safequit(){ if (debug==1) printf("info: parent process, pid=%d exiting.\n", getpid()); exit(0); } int main(int argc,char** argv) { int pid, stat; char * array_arg[50]; char command_line[200];//user input if (argc>1) if (strcmp(argv[1],"-debug")==0) debug=1; while (1){ printf("[minishell]> "+debug); gets(command_line); if (strcmp(command_line,"exit")==0) safequit(); char * subcommand=strtok(command_line," "); //divides string according spaces int i=0; while (subcommand!= null)//insert array { array_arg[i]=subcommand; subcommand=strtok(null," "); i++; } array_arg[i]='\0'; if (fork()==0){ if (debug==1) printf("info: child process, pid = %d, executing command %s\n", getpid(), command_line); execvp(array_arg[0],array_arg); //execution of cmd } else{ pid=wait(&stat); } } }
shell built-in, not external utility. want change current working directory of current process (the shell itself), not of child process. call chdir instead of forking child process.
separately, check execvp errors , defensively terminate child after failed exec. you'd have seen informative error if had done so:
... (child) ... execvp(array_arg[0], array_arg); perror("error - exec failed"); // if here, did *not* replace process image exit(0);
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