how to pass parameter into Files section in Inno -
i've googled lot not find answer on question.
how correctly pass parameter function this: getpath('myparam')?
i have such code:
[files] source: "appname\*"; destdir: "{code:getpath('myparam')}"; [code] function getpath(param: string):string; var objregexp: string; path: variant; begin path := expandconstant('{userappdata}') +'\adobe\' + param + '\.+'; objregexp := createoleobject('vbscript.regexp'); objregexp.pattern := '(.+(\\version )?( cs)?\d.+)'; if objregexp.test(path) begin objregexpmatches := objregexp.execute(path); result := objregexpmatches.item[0].value; end; end
as it's shown in the reference
, prototype of scripted constants looks this:
so need add |
char after function name , remove parentheses single quote marks scripted constant function call. in pseudo-code might this:
[files] source: "appname\*"; destdir: "{code:getpath|your input string value}"; [code] function getpath(param: string): string; begin msgbox(param, mbinformation, mb_ok); end;
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