haskell - Listen on TCP and UDP on the same port -

how can haskell listen udp , tcp on same port?

here code have far (based on acme-http):

listenon portm =                                                                prototcp <- getprotocolnumber "tcp"                                            e.bracketonerror                                                                 (socket af_inet stream prototcp)                                             sclose                                                                       (\sock ->                                                                     setsocketoption sock reuseaddr 1                                             setsocketoption sock nodelay 1                                               bindsocket sock (sockaddrinet (fromintegral portm) inaddr_any)                 listen sock (max 1024 maxlistenqueue)                                        return sock                                                              )                                                                          protoudp <- getprotocolnumber "udp"                                            e.bracketonerror                                                                 (socket af_inet datagram protoudp)                                           sclose                                                                       (\sock ->                                                                     setsocketoption sock reuseaddr 1                                             bindsocket sock (sockaddrinet (fromintegral portm) inaddr_any)                 return sock                                                              )                                                                        

i compiles fine, follow runtime error:

user error (accept: can't perform accept on socket ((af_inet,datagram,17)) in status bound) 

unfortunately, documentation on network programming in haskell bit limited (as usual). don't know i'm supposed figure stuff out.

interested, here result:


i realize there lot of room improvement, works.

there doesn't seem wrong code, somewhere else code seems calling accept() on udp socket, isn't legal. need udp socket receive , send it.


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