ggplot2 - R Shiny multiple tabPanel in tabsetPanel not loading -

i have used tabsetpanel in ui.r , each tabpanel there specific plot. plots not require user input rendered. first tab loaded. when switch tabs, blank, , have click on submit button graph load. want load graph when switch tabs. how do that?

below server.r code


   library(shiny)    library(ggplot2)     anc_data <- read.csv("anc_indicator.csv", header = true)      shinyserver(function(input, output) {        output$pieplot <- renderplot({     # generate pie chart totals grouping of each indicator   totals<-tapply(anc_data$total,anc_data$indicator,sum)   graphdatapie <-   indicators <-rownames(graphdatapie)   c <- ggplot(graphdatapie, aes(x=indicators,y=totals,fill =   totals),environment=environment()) + geom_bar(width = 1,stat="identity") print(c + coord_polar(theta = "y"))   })     output$histplot <- renderplot({    # generate histogram totals grouping of each indicator   indicatortotals <- tapply(anc_data$total,anc_data$indicator,sum)   graphdatahist <-   c <- ggplot(graphdatahist, aes(x=rownames(graphdatahist),y=indicatortotals,fill =indicatortotals),environment=environment())   print(c + geom_bar(width = 1,stat="identity")+ xlab("indicators")+ylab("anc totals"))    })    output$boxplot <- renderplot({   # generate box plot each indicator   indicatortotals <- tapply(anc_data$total,anc_data$indicator,sum)   graphdatabox <-   indicators <-anc_data$indicator   visits <- anc_data$total   c <- ggplot(anc_data, aes(indicators,visits),environment=environment())   print(c + geom_boxplot(outlier.colour = "green", outlier.size = 3,aes(fill = indicators))+ geom_jitter())    })     output$violinplot <- renderplot({  # generate violin plot  indicatortotals <- tapply(anc_data$total,anc_data$indicator,sum)  graphdataviolin <-  indicators <-anc_data$indicator  visits <- anc_data$total  c <- ggplot(anc_data, aes(indicators,visits),environment=environment()) print(c + geom_violin(aes(fill = indicators))+ geom_jitter(height = 0))   })   output$timeseriesplot <- renderplot({   # generate time series graph each indicator periods  indicators <-anc_data$indicator  c <- ggplot(anc_data, aes(group=factor(anc_data$indicator),x=anc_data$period,y=anc_data$total),environment=environment())  print(c + geom_line(aes(colour = indicators),size=2, alpha=0.5)+ xlab("months") + ylab("anc total visits"))     })   }) 

below ui.r code


  library(shiny)   library(ggplot2)     shinyui(pagewithsidebar(    # application title   headerpanel("kemri wellcome trust programme"),    # sidebar slider input number of observations  sidebarpanel(    helptext("note: while data view show specified",          "number of observations, summary still based",          "on full dataset."),     selectinput("locations", "choose location:",             choices = c("kilifi district hospital",                         "bungoma district hospital",                         "thika district hospital")),    submitbutton("update view")   #sliderinput("obs","number of observations:", min = 0, max = 1000, value = 500)   ),   # show plot of generated distribution   mainpanel(   tabsetpanel(   tabpanel("histogram",plotoutput("histplot"),id="hist"),   tabpanel("pie",plotoutput("pieplot"),id="pie"),   tabpanel("time series",plotoutput("timeseriesplot"),id="time"),   tabpanel("box",plotoutput("boxplot"),id="box"),   tabpanel("violin",plotoutput("violinplot"),id="violin")     )    )  )) 

the weird interaction between tabs , submit button bug fixed in github version of shiny. can install these steps:

install.packages('httpuv', repos=c(rstudio='', cran='')) install.packages('devtools')  # if don't have devtools installed devtools::install_github('shiny', 'rstudio') 

after following these steps, sure restart r process before try again.


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