firefox - IBM Worklight 5.0.6 - Dojo "onclick" event is not working in Chrome -
when trying our worklight application in both firefox , chrome noticed on chrome onclick
event on item of our edgetoedgestorelist
not work. in firefox onclick
event work.
require([ "dojo/store/memory", "dojox/mobile/edgetoedgestorelist", "dojo/_base/array" ], function(memory, edgetoedgestorelist, array) { var conferencesjson = []; for(var = 0; < conference.array.length; i++){ var x = {"label" : conference.array[i].name, "moveto" : "dayoverview", "onclick" : "test()" }; conferencesjson.push(x); } var conferencestore = new memory({ data : conferencesjson, idproperty : "label" }); var conferencelist = new edgetoedgestorelist({ store : conferencestore }, "conferencelist"); conferencelist.startup(); });
in our html have unordered list.
<ul id="conferencelist"></ul>
can explain why works in firefox , doesn't work in chrome?
as glenn not adding answer... here is:
replace piece of code:
var x = {"label" : conference.array[i].name, "moveto" : "dayoverview", "onclick" : "test()" };
var x = {"label" : conference.array[i].name, "moveto" : "dayoverview", "onclick" : test };
the diff capital c
in onclick
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