symfony - What's the point of subfolders in src folder -
i need create 3 folders in project. in each of them i'd have create couple of subfolders containing proper classes.
so point of creating subfolder bundles in src folder?
i mean, i'm dividing project folder1bundle, folder2bundle folder structure be:
and src folder contain projectname folder...what's point of creating big folders bundle folders, instead of putting bundles directly src folder?
take in best practices structuring bundles.
a bundle php namespace. namespace must follow technical interoperability standards php 5.3 namespaces , class names: starts vendor segment, followed 0 or more category segments, , ends namespace short name, must end bundle suffix.
so vendor name (projectname in case) structuring namespace , no conflicts naming of other namespaces , symfony bundles.
oh, , important, directory structure reflects php namespace 1:1
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