objective c - 'NSInternalInconsistencyException' in iphone4 -

i getting following crash randomly, please can 1 suggest me going wrong here : -

last exception backtrace:  0   corefoundation                  0x31b2129e __exceptionpreprocess + 158  1                                   0x3984997a  + 964991354  2   corefoundation                  0x31b21158 +[nsexception raise:format:arguments:] + 96  3   foundation                      0x323f6ab2 -[nsassertionhandler handlefailureinmethod:object:file:linenumber:description:] + 86  4   uikit                           0x3395db7e -[uitableview(_uitableviewprivate) _endcellanimationswithcontext:] + 7690  5   uikit                           0x33af6764 -[uitableview reloadsections:withrowanimation:] + 36  6   zoment                          0x00212e50 0xd4000 + 1306192  7   zoment                          0x00150428 0xd4000 + 508968  8                                   0x39c6111a  + 969281818  9                                   0x39c604b2  + 969278642  10                                  0x39c651b8  + 969298360  11  corefoundation                  0x31af4f36 __cfrunlooprun + 1286  12  corefoundation                  0x31a67eb8 cfrunlooprunspecific + 352  13  corefoundation                  0x31a67d44 cfrunloopruninmode + 100  14  graphicsservices                0x356402e6 gseventrunmodal + 70  15  uikit                           0x3397d2fc uiapplicationmain + 1116  16  zoment                          0x0010eca8 0xd4000 + 240808  17  zoment                          0x000d66cc 0xd4000 + 9932 


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