iphone - How to send in app sms using rubymotion? -

how send in-app sms (text message) ipone app written in rubymotion?

okay, i've figured out 1 way this, to: https://github.com/parkint/rubymotion_apisampler

make sure put in rakefile:

app.frameworks += %w[messageui] 

then here's code view controller:

def send_sms   mfmessagecomposeviewcontroller.alloc.init.tap |sms|     sms.messagecomposedelegate = self     sms.recipients = ["012345678", '000000000']     sms.body = "hello world!"     self.presentmodalviewcontroller(sms, animated:true)   end if mfmessagecomposeviewcontroller.cansendtext end  def messagecomposeviewcontroller(controller, didfinishwithresult:result)   nslog("sms result: #{result}")   controller.dismissmodalviewcontrolleranimated(true) end 

the second method callback need implement in order close sms modal , may want handle various results better or other things, that's gist of it. clone repository above , have play around.

hope helps, got me going.


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