php - Convert hexadecimal number to double -

the string of hexadecimal number like: 0x1.05p+10

the real value of hexadecimal number is:1044.0

i can convert using c language method strtod. can't find way convert in php. can show me how it?

value string list:

1. "0x1.fap+9" 2. "0x1.c4p+9" 3. "0x1.f3p+9" 4. "0x1.05p+10" 

i think you'll have make custom function this. because i'm feeling nice today custom-made 1 you:

function strtod($hex) {     preg_match('#([\da-f]+)\.?([\da-f]*)p#i', $hex, $parts);      $i = 0;     $fractional_part = array_reduce(str_split($parts[2]), function($sum, $part) use (&$i) {         $sum += hexdec($part) * pow(16, --$i);          return $sum;     });      $decimal = (hexdec($parts[1]) + $fractional_part) * pow(2, array_pop(explode('+', $hex)));        return $decimal; }  foreach(array('0x1.fap+9', '0x1.c4p+9', '0x1.f3p+9', '0x1.05p+10', '0x1p+0') $hex) {     var_dump(strtod($hex)); }; 

for versions below php 5.3:

function strtod($hex) {     preg_match('#([\da-f]+)\.?([\da-f]*)p#i', $hex, $parts);      $fractional_part = 0;      foreach(str_split($parts[2]) $index => $part) {         $fractional_part += hexdec($part) * pow(16, ($index + 1) * -1);     }      $decimal = (hexdec($parts[1]) + $fractional_part) * pow(2, array_pop(explode('+', $hex)));        return $decimal; }  foreach(array('0x1.fap+9', '0x1.c4p+9', '0x1.f3p+9', '0x1.05p+10', '0x1p+0') $hex) {     var_dump(strtod($hex)); }; 


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