delphi - Custom painting of a gantt in TGanttSeries -
i've got need draw gantts consist of 2 subsections -- 1 painted brush has custom bitmap, , coloured in specified colour. these subsections have variable length, makes impossible have preset bitmap painting.
the current solution i'm using have 2 instances of tganttseries, firs 1 used display first kind of subsections, second -- kind of subsections. quite cumbersome approach, provides additional challenges actions need performed on gantt visually appears single entity, in fact consists of 2 different gantts 2 different tganttseries instances.
is possible provide custom painting of gantts in tganttseries single gantt represented rectangle have several subsections painted differently?
you try using ongetpointerstyle event yeray suggested here.
here example link:
private { private declarations } function seriesgetpointerstyle(sender:tchartseries; valueindex:integer):tseriespointerstyle; //... procedure tform1.formcreate(sender: tobject); begin chart1.addseries(tganttseries) tganttseries begin pointer.vertsize:=10; fillsamplevalues(10); ongetpointerstyle:=seriesgetpointerstyle; end; end; function tform1.seriesgetpointerstyle(sender:tchartseries; valueindex:integer):tseriespointerstyle; begin mod 6)); result:=psrectangle; end;
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