javascript - jquery form submission in new window -

i want set header information , cookies form submission using $('#formid').submit(); javascript code. of site says setrequestheader working on ajax form submission. can not use ajax method submit form.

my javascript code is

$(document).ready(function(){   $("#leftnav a").click(function(event){       event.preventdefault();      href = $(this).attr('href');      $("#dynamicform :input").remove();      var querystringarray = href.split('?')[1].split('&');       $("#dynamicform").attr("action", href.split('?')[0]);      $.each(querystringarray, function(index, value) {       var elementarray = value.split('=');        if(elementarray[0]=='methodtype') { $("#dynamicform").attr("method", elementarray[1]);}         $('<input>').attr({             type: 'hidden',             value: elementarray[1],             name: elementarray[0]         }).appendto('#dynamicform');        });      usagelogsajax(href.split('?')[0],'ncrtester');      xhr.setrequestheader('x-test', 'three');xhr.setrequestheader('x-shashi', 'three');      $('#dynamicform').submit();   });  });    function usagelogsajax(url, user) { $.get("usagelogs.php?url="+url+"&username="+user,function(responsetxt,statustxt,xhr){       if(statustxt=="success");         //alert("usagelogs created successfully!");       if(statustxt=="error");         //alert("error: "+xhr.status+": "+xhr.statustext);     }); } 

and page have link

how can achieve requirements.


i think looking target-attribute of form (see mdn). if set target="_blank" form submitted , result shown in new window.


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