winforms - Drawing multiple lines with DrawLines and DrawLine produces different result -

i trying draw multiple lines on winforms panel using it's graphics object in paint event. drawing number of lines joining given points. so, first of did this,

    private void panel1_paint(object sender, painteventargs e)     { pen(new solidbrush(color.crimson), 3), pointfs.toarray());         float width = 10;         float height = 10;         var circlebrush = new solidbrush(color.crimson);         foreach (var point in pointfs)         {             float rectanglex = point.x - width / 2;             float rectangley = point.y - height / 2;             var r = new rectanglef(rectanglex, rectangley, width, height);    , r);         }     } 

which produces result image below,

enter image description here

as can see lines drawn having little bit of extension @ sharp turns, not expected. so, changed drawlines code to,

var pen = new pen(new solidbrush(color.crimson), 3); (int = 1; < pointfs.count; i++) {, pointfs[i - 1], pointfs[i]); } 

and drawing works fine.

enter image description here

can tell difference between 2 approaches?

i have had same problem (stumbled upon question during research), have found solution.

the problem caused linejoin property on pen used. devx page explains different linejoin types (see figure 1 illustrations). seems miter default type, , causes "overshoot" when have sharp angles.

i solved problem setting linejoin property bevel:

var pen = new pen(new solidbrush(color.crimson), 3); pen.linejoin = drawing2d.linejoin.bevel; 

now drawlines no longer overshoot points.


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