android - Google Play tablet optimization tips - how to resolve issues? -
when listing app in google play optimization tips tells me 3 issues:
what should why proposing design app tablets apk needs meet following criteria: 1) target , minimum android versions support tablets (check targetsdkversion , minsdkversion). learn more 2) supports common tablet screen sizes (large , xlarge). learn more 3) includes custom drawables , assets common tablet screen densities. learn more
here manifest concerning first 2 issues:
<uses-sdk android:minsdkversion="14" android:targetsdkversion="17" /> <supports-screens android:smallscreens="false" android:normalscreens="true" android:largescreens="true" android:xlargescreens="true" android:requiressmallestwidthdp="480" />
the "learn more" link sends me off instructions. app works on phones i'm targeting tablets want google play know tablet compatible. doing wrong here? i'm still in "alpha/ready-to-publish" phase cant tell if listed in tablet section yet...
i had problem - think optimization tips refer "production" apk, not alpha/beta one, if don't have production apk, gives these warnings. when transferred apk production, warnings went away. (beware, can't move apk production alpha/beta, or otherwise remove it, unfortunately isn't useful easy way check.)
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